It’s my first weekend in Florence since the third weekend in October! I’ve been non-stop on the go and thus, I’ve made it my goal to see all of the sites I haven’t seen in Florence, do a little shopping at the markets for Christmas presents, and update you all on my travels!
The weekend after my parents left, I flew to Paris for the weekend! I was so excited to meet up with Carolyn, Mrs. Toll, Courtney, and Molly, Carolyn’s roommate from Wake who is studying in Barcelona! With Mrs. Toll being a native to Paris and French culture, I knew I was in good hands! I went to Paris with only one goal: to stand infront of Manet’s “Le déjeuner sur l'herbe,” like Blair Waldorf, and have a beautiful French royal approach me. (This was a Gossip Girl reference for those non-Gossip Girl followers!). KIDDING. I was absolutely dying to see the Eiffel Tower, eat crepes with nutella, and have croque monsier for every meal. Mission accomplished. Although I was worried about traveling alone to Paris (without any knowledge of French, might I add), it was quite easy to grab a cab to our hotel, Duc de St. Simon, a charming hotel conveniently located in Paris. After meeting up with Mrs. Toll, Carolyn, and Courtney, we enjoyed breakfast at an authentic French café and caught up on our Wilton gossip! It’s always a treat to hear about everything that’s going on at home! We made our way to the metro after breakfast and headed to Rueil Malmaison, a suburb of Paris where Mrs. Toll lived for several years while growing up! We saw the church where Josephine Bonaparte was buried and then headed to Malmaison, Josephine’s summer chateau. After our tour of the chateau, we went on a hunt for Mrs. Toll’s old house! She recognized it right away, accounting memories from her childhood of playing games in the front lawn!
Outside of Malmaison |
Later that afternoon, we headed to the Arc de Triomphe. The sun had already set as we reached the top of the 200 steps (I need to add up how many steps I’ve climbed this semester…it has to be in the thousands). The view from the top was spectacular and I caught my first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower!! After our climb down the steps, we headed to grab dinner on the Champs. We all enjoyed croque monsieur’s (they had nothing on Café Luc!) before heading to Laduree for some macaroons.
Arc de Triomphe |
Saturday morning we put on our walking shoes- ready for a full day of sightseeing. Molly had gotten in late on Friday night and Ellen, another one of the girls’ friends from Wake joined us from Dijon for the day! First on our list was the Musee d’Orsay. This museum contains a grand collection of Impressionist paintings, and was by far my favorite museum I’ve seen abroad! We then headed to the Lourve, where we were able to cut the line with our museum pass! The saw everything from the Mona Lisa (overrated) to Venus de Milo. Carolyn and I were thrilled to see the Code of Hammurabi, an artifact we studied extensively in our Western Civ class our freshman year of high school.
C & I at the Lourve |
Crowd infront of the Mona Lisa |
That evening we had an amazing dinner at L’Entrecote, one of the Toll’s favorite restaurants! The line outside the restaurant serves as justice that they are world renowned for their steak frites. After dinner we headed over to the Eiffel Tower aka my life long dream to see it lit up at night. We had heard that the best time to go was at night in order to avoid lines and we were able to head right up to the top! I am SO proud of Carolyn for making it up to the top! Although it was pretty foggy and misty at the top level, at the second level we were able to catch a glimpse of the entire city all lit up!

We woke up Sunday morning and headed straight to the Notre Dame. I had only seen the Notre Dame in textbooks and seeing it in real life, I was so impressed by the architecture of the building! We walked around while mass was going on, a magical experience to hear all of the singing in French. We then headed to the Orangerie, a museum where Monet’s “Water Lillies” are displayed. These paintings are absolutely breathtaking, taking up the entire walls of the museum.
Infront of Notre Dame |
Water Lillies |
It was time for me to head back to the airport, but not before a final croque monsier! We said our goodbyes (“au revoir”…I picked up a little French that weekend) and I hopped in a cab! Paris was such a wonderful city with so much to see- it is definitely on my list to return to in the future! It was even better spending it with friends from home! Paris, we’ll be back!